Sasha will be presenting a platform talk entitled “Transcriptome-wide association study of schizophrenia and chromatin activity yields mechanistic disease insights.” at the American Society of Human Genetics 2016 meeting in Vancouver. The talk is on Thu, Oct 20, 10:15am - 10:30am in Room 302, West Building. See the corresponding pre-print.

Gleb Kichaev from the Pasaniuc lab will also be presenting collaborative work in a talk entitled “Transcriptome-wide association study of thirty complex traits reveals novel risk genes.” at 9:00am in the same session. See the corresponding pre-print.

Other presentations from our collaborators include:

  • (Tue poster) 2148/F: Dissecting the functional architecture of local and distal gene expression regulation in multiple human tissues.
  • (Wed poster) 376/W: Quantifying directional effects of transcription factor binding on polygenic disease risk using GWAS summary statistics.
  • (Thu talk) 122: Joint re-analysis of GWAS summary statistics identifies new variants associated with human traits and diseases.
  • (Thu poster) 545/T: Correcting subtle stratification in summary association statistics.
  • (Thu poster) 1628/T: Heritability enrichment of specifically expressed genes identifies disease-relevant tissues and cell types.
  • (Thu poster) 1634/T: Steady-state gene expression explains 5-15% of heritability for many complex traits.
  • (Thu poster) 1994/T: Genetic variants underlying histone modifications explain a large fraction of autoimmune disease heritability.
  • (Thu poster) 2114/T: Chromatin state variability: A guide to uncover non-coding functional genomic regions and potential regulated genes.
  • (Fri poster) 1644/F: LD-dependent architecture of human complex traits reveals action of negative selection.
  • (Fri poster) 2148/F: Dissecting the functional architecture of local and distal gene expression regulation in multiple human tissues.